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The Mages Lament

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The Mages Lament  Empty The Mages Lament

Post by Daunted Jester Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:27 pm

Welcome to my latest role play this role play takes place in a fantasy world created by yours truly (dont make fun of me *cries*) So without further delay we begin.

In the twelfth century of the land of Azuria mages were respected as powerful citizens who could do near anything they were advisors to the King and some of the highest ranking citizens. This changed however when one mage by the name of Recklon attempted to use magic to become a god raising an army of wicked men and women he waged war with the world. This angered the Goddess and she attempted to destroy him but he was incredibly powerful. Realizing he was to be completely destroyed The Goddess banished him to the center of the earth giving him a sick and twisted form. The Goddess felt no pity for his followers and she gave them twisted evil forms and sent them deep underground were the dwarves kept guard so that they may never return.

It is now the fourteenth century and the dark army as been kept at bay for two hundred years but they have been digging they released there master from his prison and with his leader ship they quickly defeated the dwarven army. Rising to the surface in incredible numbers the elven human and orcish armys met up with the remaining dwarven forces in an attempt to end the war in one glorious battle. This did not happen and the dark ones defeated us. The army retreated crippled and now they remain attempting to hold there nations from defeat. The kingdom of the orcs is under attack the hardest there barely able to hold. The human kingdom has sent out notice calling to arms all exceptional people to aid in the war hoping to for a group of heroes to lead there army to victory.

Roles (omg more set roles i know awesome right lololol)

Battle Mage ( Race any affinity neutral )
Not as strong as the warrior and not as good with magic as the mage you combine both talents to supplement your lack of skills in both fields. Being a mage free from the templars you are a criminal and so you live among elves who do not blame all mages for what Recklon has done. You begin your journey exiting your hut in the woods near an elven village thats is under attack you have friends in this village and wish to help but you get there only in time to save a few lives. TAKEN!

Warrior ( Race must be human affinity good )
Your strong and have been trained well you rely on strategic use of your shield in battle you use wit and strength to create deadly attacks that will baffle your foes and leave them dead. You are the child of a noble family your father is a great hero in the human army you are tasked with holding your keep while your father is away but it has come under attack do you have what it takes or will all be lost. TAKEN!

Rogue ( Race any affinity neutral )
In combat you rely on your quick wit and even quicker blade to trick and sneak around your foe to find openings in there attacks for instantly fatal attacks but you cant take much damage a few hits and your done.
You start out in the prison of the capitol after trying to pick the pocket of a noble women you were caught and now you must escape.

Orcish berserker ( Race must be orc affinity good )
You are an orc you have spent your life learning the ways of combat you ignore all but the most fatal of attacks shrugging them off using the technique mastered only by orcish civilization you can deal out massive damage with your war axe and can take almost as much before you fall. You are in the middle of the battle that will decide the fate of the orcs and victory is lost you have been commanded to flee for tis better to live and fight another day than die in vain.

Elven archer ( Race must be elven affinity good )
You are the Kespharam a title given to only the best archers they say you were born with a bow in hand and have been shooting since before you could walk. Your village is called Freanielrvis.You have tremendous range and skill but you cant take much damage so close combat is a big no no. Your village is under attack and you are leading the archers in an ambush that is vital to your victory pulling this off means victory failure means the death of everything sacred to you. TAKEN!

Dwarven soldier ( Race must be dwarven must be male affinity good )
You are a soldier of the dwarves you were in the original army after your defeat you have been taken in by the kings army you now train recruits to fight the dark ones in the campaign to come. You are short and use a large axe you are more difficult to hit but you also cant maneuver as well as other taller races but you can hit harder than them you cannot use magic in anyway whats so ever you eat dirt and can even heal by burying yourself underground.You begin your journey when your told to seek out powerful individuals to aid in the kings army.

Mage ( Race any affinity neutral )
You are a mage now considered a low class citizen you have little to no rights you are watched by templars charged with keeping you in check as far as there concerned your only duty is to the king. You are quite weak and cant take much damage but have massive magical talent being able to do insanely powerful spells to heal or damage. You begin at a joining were they test your magical skill to see if you are worthy to join in the kings army.

Seductress ( race any must be female affinity neutral )
She use non combat methods to assassinate targets and gather information she can use stealth to kill targets and use poisons to make up for her lack of ability. She prefers to not fight using stealth persuasion distraction and seduction to get her way. You start out in a bar spying on a wealthy mark your going to use to get a few hundred gold coins.

Alpha wolf ( race werewolf affinity evil takes orders from the witch )
You are the alpha wolf the leader of the werewolf horde among the dark ones you are feared for you ferocity and strength gaining you respect and high rank you are stronger faster and more durable than most races in and outside the dark ones. Your journey begins as you lead your pack against the orcish berserkers in the final battle against the orcish kingdom.

Vampiric warlord ( race vampire affinity evil takes orders from the witch )
You lead the vampire army in the dark ones horde you are a feared member you feast upon your victims with an insatiable hunger leading your army on fear with every swipe of your blade your hunger grows you are fast you can move quickly with a blade you dont have a really strong attack but your speed makes up for it. You begin your journey in your dark palace underground planning your assault against the elven kingdom.

Witch ( Race dark one affinity evil takes orders from Recklon )
You control arcane might seen only in old legend you are beutiful and deadly controlling the forces of nature and placing hexes upon you foes weakening them significantly. You are cruel and care not for the lives of those below you seeing them as pawns in your game. You value the war for what you call entertainment vallue. You begin your journey wreaking havoc in a small village enjoying yourself when some templars come to spoil your fun little do they know there just more toys for you to play with. TAKEN!

Reaver ( Race Dark one affinity evil takes orders from the witch alpha wolf and vampiric warlord. )
Reaver is all you have been called you are a simple soldier in the army but you are unique for unlike the other disfigured souls you seem almost normal but in combat you feast upon the souls of your fallen foes increasing your power with each battle you are quickly rising in rank you are essentially a warrior with some dark magic tricks up your sleeve. You begin your journey fighting the general of the ocrcish army your goal is to add his combat experience and power to yours by any means necessary.

Jester ( race dark one affinity evil takes orders from the witch)
The jester is an elite member of the darkones ranks he is sent on high risk operations to assasinate targets. He has extreme skill with throwing knives as well as using knives in reguler combat.You begin within the walls of the Castle of Harrowmont were the Arl of Harrowmont is staying it is you mission to kill him so that his army is more vulnerable in a coming attack. TAKEN!

No god modding I shouldn't even have to say it. It is stupid and ruins the role play for everyone.

No sexual content romances are okay

Follow the regular forum rules (lololol obvious rule is obvious)and enjoy.

If your name has special meaning list it next to your name in parenthesis.

please list your life span by your race.

Limit of two characters per poster.(exceptions may apply)

If you have an idea for a role please p.m me and we can discuss it.

roles listed as good must be good.
roles listed as evil must be evil.
roles listed as neutral can be either good or evil.

profiles should look like this

Name: Keravil (means spell sword)

Age:237 (looks 23)

Race: halfling (life span of 800 years)

Appearance:The Mages Lament  Rougue

Personality: He dosnt like humans they treat most halfling with scorn it donsnt help that hes a mage. Living with elves his entire life he has learned there language and even some of there sacred arts. Hes open minded and likes to make friends he is normally very merry unless provoked. He enjoys being outside and feels confined in large buldings especially ones made of stone.

Last edited by Daunted Jester on Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:36 pm; edited 3 times in total
Daunted Jester
Daunted Jester
Admin of the Vegas Strip
Admin of the Vegas Strip

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Join date : 2010-07-01

Character Sheet
Character Name: Jester
Affinity: Neutral
Abilities: control over wind.

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The Mages Lament  Empty Re: The Mages Lament

Post by Zombi3 g0 RAWR Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:37 am

Name: Amali (means beautiful shadow)

Age: 19

Race: Elf (1,000 years)

The Mages Lament  Sacred_elf

Personality: Amali is fierce, strong and kind-hearted. She will do anything to protect her friends, family and village. She is very kind. She loathes evil, people who destroy the lands, and people who commit crimes. She isn't a fan of humans, but will be polite and put up with them if needed. She is very keen on speaking English as well as her own language.


Name: Kera

Age: 374 (Life span unknown)

Race: Dark One


The Mages Lament  Anime_girl_9857

Personality: Kera is cold-hearted. She merely plays with weaklings and could care-less about them. She only cares for herself. Kera wants power. And lots of it. She hates being ordered around, and is planning to overthrow Recklon. Kera gets her kicks and giggles out of torturing and killing people.

Zombi3 g0 RAWR
Zombi3 g0 RAWR

Posts : 44
Points : 69
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2010-07-02
Location : Crying in a dark train yard

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Affinity: Neutral

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The Mages Lament  Empty Re: The Mages Lament

Post by Daunted Jester Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:31 am

It was early morning and the sun was just rising the birds were chirping and the cool breeze carried the scent of wild flowers that were very dominant in the area.

Keravil tugged on his long dark hair trying to make it a bit less messy He was heading down to the elven village today to do some trading they were friendly folk and he even made some friends like Shivyonni the cute blonde that worked in the bakery. He was hoping he could ask her out when her shift was over.

These are the thoughts that clouded his mind as he walked down the hill and then his daydreams were suddenly halted when he heard screaming. Looking towards the village he saw smoke and heard screams allot of screams. If this was a simple fire there wouldn't be so many screams. Using magic he made it so that he could see peoples souls a large number of blue shapes appeared and many of them were fading quickly.

There dieing he gasped sprinting down the hill using magic to quicken his pace. As he got closer he saw more souls but these ones seemed tainted they were violet and black instead of blue these were evil beings. Reaching the village he saw a horrible sight children were impailed on spears fire was everywhere and in the distance he could here a babe crying for its mother likely one of the many corpses burning aorund the town.

Cautiously walking forward he saw a large group of blue surrounded by black. he rushed forward he saw survivors surrounded by some vile creatures wielding evil wicked looking blades. Die interloper it shouted in elven. It moved fast but using magic to supplement what he lacked physically he was faster immediately unsheathing his onyx blade named Cyhel meaning onyx tear in elven. Dodging the creatures initial attack and shoving his blade though his torso.

Fine you vile beasts Keravil hisses through his teeth you will all listen as Cyhel sings through your flesh a song of the deepest sorrow. Rushing the nearest beast it thrusts it spear at him he leaps through the air and cuts him in half three more come and attack him at once. BLITZKERJA he shouts calling down lighting killing all three instantly. Unlock he says putting magic behind his words causing all of the prisoners shackles to unlock be free my friends flee to my cabin i will join you shortly. Seven more of the beasts surround him now the villagers flee as Keravil readies for the fight of his life.
Daunted Jester
Daunted Jester
Admin of the Vegas Strip
Admin of the Vegas Strip

Posts : 205
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Reputation : 4
Join date : 2010-07-01

Character Sheet
Character Name: Jester
Affinity: Neutral
Abilities: control over wind.

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The Mages Lament  Empty Re: The Mages Lament

Post by Zombi3 g0 RAWR Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:35 pm


Kera giggled like a little girl. "Ksksksksk!" She had taken two people and were making them fight each other in Azuria. The noblewoman was crying and screaming for help, while the nobleman was trying not to hurt his wife. But it was no use. The witch was too strong. She giggled some more as the nobleman made a sickening cut into the noblewoman's arm. All the other citizens and merchants had cleared out, scared of Kera.

Suddenly a voice shouted. "Back away from the citizens!" Kera turned to see a few men in robes. "We are the Templars." The same man called out. Kera only frowned. These people were interrupting her playtime. "We will give you one last warning! Step away from the citizens, or else!" Kera now smirked again. "Or else, what?" She asked playfully. The man was about to answer when Kera said a spell under her breath. The man suddenly caught on fire.

This outraged the other Templars, and they tried desperately to get their comrade...well, not on fire. But it was no use. One Templar stopped and faced Kera. "You will not get away!" Kera only giggled. "Who said I was leaving?" She asked, more to herself than anyone. Before the Templar could do anything special, Kera had cast another spell. The man was started to take a distorted form. One eye was bigger than the other. His skin was a sickening pale of orange-green. Purple blots covered some parts of his skin. She looked to the other three Templars. This was going to be fun.

Kera had now noticed the noble people once more. They had stopped fighting. "Go fight him!" Kera ordered the two, pointing at the once normal-looking Templar. The two followed promptly, not wanting to. While they fought, Kera would play with her untouched toys, now. She looked at one, with a terrified look on his face. The one on fire had now burnt to death. She then muttered a spell, but he too had said something. Nothing happened. Damn it! Kera thought.

Maybe...She would get him by surprise. Surprise. Surprise. Surprise. Kera was going to like this. She looked away, then back at the same man and said something. He turned around, and then the blood started shooting. Veins popped, making blood pop out. Now blood was coming out everywhere. The eyes, the ears, the nose the mouth...He dropped to the ground. Kera looked around for the other two, but they were nowhere to be found.

Kera yawned. This was boring. Boring indeed. Suddenly the noble people dropped to the ground; still breathing, mind you, and started away. The cobblestone streets were empty. Kera sighed. She looked up at the castle. How big and beautiful it was. She then thought of the King. How she despised him. But Kera didn't worry about him too much. Not yet, at least. She had flown out of Azuria, onto her next destination.

Zombi3 g0 RAWR
Zombi3 g0 RAWR

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Location : Crying in a dark train yard

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The Mages Lament  Empty Re: The Mages Lament

Post by Daunted Jester Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:51 pm

Making sure his sword was ready Keravil waited it was only a matter of time before one attacked. He looked down at Cyhel It was the only relic he still had of his human father. He was a great warrior a top soldier in the kings army the blade was crafted and enchanted by his elven mother as a gift. The first beast thrust his spear at him quickly he side stepped it bringing down Cyhel and breaking it like a twig he then lopped of his head in one quick swipe.Another one tried to bash him with its shield but he just stabbed Cyhel through gutting him in a single motion.Come beasts and my blade will sing through your flesh a sad tune like you have never heard.

For seven hours he waged war in the small elven village killing every dark one that dared to come. The survivors that had managed to reach his cabin looked down on the village and they heard a sad song play it was a song of mourning and it somehow managed to embody all that was dark within it wailing tune. The sun was setting by the time Keravil returned home he noticed all the survivors had colored there hair a deep black this was a custom the elves practiced to show deep loss and mourning. Hello. Shelani ma veil. He says using the requler elven greeting for those who are mourning. Keravil Thank you for saving us said the village elder im glad that all was not lost. It was the least I could do your people have been kind to me for the past two hundred and thirty seven years.

Were will you go now that your village is destroyed?
There is a large village about two days walk through the forest. Responded the elder It is called Freanielvris they have Shikkata that can protect us and they can send word to other villages so that they may be ready. I will come with you. Thank you Keravil your help will be mutch appreciated. This seemed to make the elder a bit happier. They slept that knight dreams of ashen snow and burning corpses filled there heads in the morning the set out for Freanielvris.
Daunted Jester
Daunted Jester
Admin of the Vegas Strip
Admin of the Vegas Strip

Posts : 205
Points : 281
Reputation : 4
Join date : 2010-07-01

Character Sheet
Character Name: Jester
Affinity: Neutral
Abilities: control over wind.

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The Mages Lament  Empty Re: The Mages Lament

Post by FlamingoBones Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:13 am

Name: Emblem {Warrior}

Race: Human [life of around 90]

Appearance: The Mages Lament  1737722
Personality: He is pretty laid back and nice to everyone when he can. He is very competative and loves to fight. He takes orders well unless he is mad and cant wait to get in the action
Admin In the Haystack (LAWLZ)
Admin In the Haystack (LAWLZ)

Posts : 336
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Join date : 2010-06-30
Age : 30
Location : Damn Michigan.

Character Sheet
Character Name: Emblem
Affinity: Neutral
Abilities: Ice, Speed, Strength.


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The Mages Lament  Empty Re: The Mages Lament

Post by Zombi3 g0 RAWR Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:27 am


"Kogn! Kogn!" Alami called out to her troops who filled the forest around her. She took on a large boulder. The dark ones had attacked in the night. The battle had waged on for hours and hours, now. But it seemed like days to Alami. They had lost a large amount of troops already. But they had to keep pushing on. The children; the families; my people. She thought. Amali readied her bow, seeing the dark ones and her troops colliding once more. She fired the white arrow. It hit a enemy right between the eyes. It fell to the ground, defeated.

Amali had fired several more arrows now. She had to fight on. No matter how tired she was. Amali would fight until her last bit of energy had left her body, and she was no longer breathing. Her people needed her, and she would give all that she had. All the people counting on her and the troops. She fired two more arrows, both hitting the target. She then saw a elven man go down. She rushed to him. "Jou yio. Turi ged hagn." Amali said to him. He nodded and got up. Amali took one last look at the troop. "Qwet begt."[/b] She told him good luck. He nodded, knowing what he had to do. She turned back to the enemy army, and fired.

Dead bodies everywhere. Elven and evil bodies. It was a sad sight to see, but everyone on the battlefield knew they had to press on, and choke back the grief. Everyone was having a hard time, and many tears were shed already. But it was hardest for Amali. Seeing her people suffer so much was unbearable. But she had to keep going. "Kespharam!" A troop yelled to Amali. Amali turned to face him. She nodded. "Wegob tyu viyt arst." Alami's eyes widened. The village gates?! How did they manage to get there?!!! Amali turned towards the way of the village and started running, dodging troops. The village gates would be the farthest they would get.

"Kespharam!" A voice cried out in joy. Amali had already hit an enemy, and then hit it again, ending its life. "Redteot!" Amali cried. The troops all nodded and started fighting again. The troop was right--many enemies had come to the village gates--lucky none got through. But Amali, with the help of troops, killed all of them. Amali walked over to the troops. Dead bodies of the evil ones lay at their feet. Puddles of blood lay around them, getting bigger. Amali put her index finger and middle finger of each hand down on the puddles of blood and wiped them on her cheeks. Two streaks of blood now covered both her cheeks. Victory at this point. Amali had a feeling it was almost over.

Amali hit the troop's back hard several times. He then coughed out blood. Amali patted him softly now on the back, telling him good luck and to go back to the village for medical attention. The battle was over. After all the deaths, the evil ones got thinner and thinner out, until the rest just ran away. Now Amali was looking for any wounded survivors and dead elven. All deceased elven will be buried separately and a large ceremony will take place. This also involved all the enemies bodies to be thrown into a large pit and burned. All the village would be there. Meanwhile, they had to get the graves dug, the wounded survivors treated, and a whole search of the village had been done. Extra huts will also have to be built for wounded and any extra peoples.

"Heig, heig. Amali said to the wounded troop on the battlefield. Many survivors had been taken already--somewhere around one hundred. But the battlefield was large, and they would most likely search all night, and perhaps some of tomorrow morning. Amali would help more later; she had to make sure all the families were OK. She carried two elven troops with her to drop off at the medic's. She breathed heavily. They had been at this for awhile. Most likely all the families were fine, but Amali checked up anyway. She also liked to help the families through a death. Many, many families had lost at least one person on the battlefield.

Now after checking on the families, Amali helped dig some graves. Amali still had a lot to do. After this, she was going to help get wounded troops and bodies for the death pit and for the graves. Lots of work had to be done, and even the small children were pitching in a little, cooking for all the troops. The whole village was working in some way. Everyone had to work and chip in a little. Amali shoveled. She stopped and looked up at the sky. It had turned to a sunny day to a gray, cloudy one. Amali sucked in a breath, and let it out, finishing the grave. She was making her way to the forest again, known now as the battlefield, to help with the bodies and wounded troops.

Zombi3 g0 RAWR
Zombi3 g0 RAWR

Posts : 44
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Join date : 2010-07-02
Location : Crying in a dark train yard

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Affinity: Neutral

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The Mages Lament  Empty Re: The Mages Lament

Post by Daunted Jester Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:41 am

It was noon on the second day of there travel they were only two hours away when they saw the smoke. Wait.Keravil noticed the smoke and heard elven war crys mixing with the war crys of the dark ones.Elder keep the citizens back there are dark ones about. He drew Cyhel and looked at the villagers. Qwet begt. Keravil placed magic behind the elven words for good luck creating a spell that would help protect them from harm.

Suddenly arrows flew through the sky straight to were they were standing. Keravils fighting prowess enhaced by magic allowed him to easily outmaneuver the arrows. Cyhel began to sing it sad tune as it cut right through the first dark one to come into sight. Hssskkkkrrreeehhhhh jergdeh mulssshhhhkkkrrriinnnn. They hissed in ancient elven with strange accents. Rend his soul was the translation.

They attacked with renued vigor one ran in close with a dagger nearly stabbing Keravil before he was blasted into fragments from the a frost spell. The battle was twenty seven against one in there favor still. Three rushed forward wielding pikes. BLITZKERJA FEN TWASHIPH This variation of lightning spell caused a thunderstorm to appear shocking all the dark ones who guarding the rear frightening several and causing them to scatter about. Running forward keravil feigned a blow to the lrft before cutting down another enemy and then leaping into the air boosting his jump with magic he creates a homing spell throwing his Cyhel through two more who were standing close together.

Landing on the ground he quickly summoned a ball of fire burning a dark one charging him with a spear. He then began to create a frost spell when an intense pain filled his back knocking him over. In the confusion one of the dark ones had snuck around and bashed him with its shield. Now it was readying its blade for a killing blow when an arrow appeared dug deep into the beasts throat. More arrows were flying enterg the boddies of all remaining dark ones the elves had one and they were killing off the stragglers.

Thank the Goddess we got here. An elven soldier dressed in leather armor ran up to Keravil helping him up. Thank you for the assitance against theese vile creatures. They were about to gain the upper hand. No problem sir the soldier replied they were attacking our village those were the last ones. If you dont mind the praise you were amazing out there ive never seen a mage use a sword I thought they only wielded staffs. They normally do im different than most mages. Anyways I have business here a small elven village about two days walk from here was attacked and destroyed ive been escorting the survivors to this village for refuge. Do you think your elder would be willing to help? Of course in fact were already setting up extra huts for refugees were a scouting party sent out to search for enemies and people like you. Follow me well be back at the village in no time the Elder and Kespharam will be eager to greet you. You have a Kespharam? Yes first one in one hundred and thirty seven years infact the last one died a while ago and shes the first one skilled enough to take his place. Then lead on
Daunted Jester
Daunted Jester
Admin of the Vegas Strip
Admin of the Vegas Strip

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Join date : 2010-07-01

Character Sheet
Character Name: Jester
Affinity: Neutral
Abilities: control over wind.

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